
How the survey was conducted

A survey was conducted to determine the factors of demand that affects the consumer’s decision in buying Nutella. From the survey, the question was tailored to determine specifically what the factors that affect the demand of Nutella are. The survey consisted of questions that relate to price factors, substitute factors, how consumer’s income affects the demand and more. After the survey was prepared, it was distributed to random people from a wide range of ages from as young as 18 to 26 years old to specify further the consumer’s demands. A total of 15 people answered the survey. It was assumed that all participants answered honestly. After the survey was conducted, the results were tallied, recorded and graphed into pie charts and bar charts.

Survey Form 

1.      Gender

A.      Male         
B.      Female                 
2.      Age :

3.      Job Status

A.      Working Adult      
B.      Student
C.      Others      

4.      Highest Qualification:

5.      Monthly Spending

A.      RM 0 – RM 500
B.      RM 501 – 1000
C.      RM 1000 and more

6.      Would Nutella be your first choice of spread?

Strongly agree     Agree      Neutral     Disagree   Strongly disagree 
           O                    O               O                 O                     O

7.      Would you still buy Nutella if the price increased?
Strongly agree       Agree       Neutral            Disagree        Strongly disagree
           O                      O                O                      O                           O
8.      If another brand similar to Nutella was cheaper, would you buy that brand? If no, why?

A.      Yes
B.      No


9.      If the price of the food you spread Nutella on increased ( bread, crackers ), would you still buy Nutella or find a substitute?

A.      Buy Nutella
B.      Find a substitute

10.   Knowing that Nutella is fatty, would you still buy it?

A.      Yes
B.      No

11.  Would you say that Nutella is preferred by all age groups?

A.      Yes
B.      No

12.  Why would you choose Nutella over any other spread?

Why :

13.  If you were from a lower income group, would you still buy Nutella?

A.      Yes
B.      No

14.  Is Nutella a luxury or necessity to you?

A.      Luxury
B.      Necessity

15.  Do you buy Nutella often?

       Strongly agree       Agree          Neutral        Disagree    Strongly Disagree
            O                    O                    O                   O                      O

How reliable is the methodology

Before the survey was prepared, the problem statement and objectives were assessed. From there, the survey was used as a tool to answer the problem statements and achieve the objectives. The question from the survey answered all 3 of the problem statement and all 3 of the objectives.

The survey was answered by a wide age range of people therefore making it a more reliable data than compared to if only a specific age group was questioned assuming all participants answered truthfully. From the wide age group, we were able to analyse the older and younger generation demands. Here, it was found that the majority of participants did choose Nutella as a first choice. Although 98% of the participants answered neutral for if they would purchase Nutella when the priced increased, almost all the participants would go for a cheaper substitute. Similarly, when complimentary goods increase in price, participants answered no. Therefore, price factors do not only affect the old and working, but also the young and unemployed. Furthermore, for the lower income group, it was expected that the majority of the participants would answer no to still purchasing Nutella. However, the fact that the participants knew Nutella is a fatty did not affect their decision to purchase Nutella. Most of the participants agree that Nutella is in fact a luxury to them.

The data from the survey has helped achieve the objective because we were able to understand the factors of demand, understand the importance of demand factor’s information and analyse the elasticity of demand or sensitivity of consumer towards price change. We were also able to identify the factors that consumer’s consider when choosing a breakfast spread and how the consumer’s respond to price change.

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